
Modeling, Mexico, Jill Billingsley, Jill Scott,


Tuesday I got to feel my first legit earthquake, mind you there was one in Toronto while living there, but it went virtually unnoticed. Mexico City was built on an ancient lakebed and its spongy soil amplifies the Earths seismic waves, thus causing more damage in comparison to other locations. Yesterdays quake was the strongest recorded since 1986’s (yay to my birth year) earthquake in Mexico.

Mexican authorities reported the magnitude of the quake as 7.8. In Guerrero, (home to Acapulco) officials say about 800 homes were damaged and 60 collapsed. Tuesday’s quake centered near the border between the southern states of Oaxaca and Guerrero, with the aftershock’s reaching a measurement of 5.1. I’ve read that there may have been up to 10 aftershocks so far and they are still continuing onto today (Wed). Ari was even woken up at night by one at 4am.

Primary waves in an Earthquake are the sudden jolts of movement and secondary (S) waves are the aftershock. The P waves that I felt were ‘longitude waves’ that made for a side to side movement and resulted in much less damage than what could have been. This all happened while I was on set filming but no injuries occurred and although structures did get damaged, it could have been much worse.

Needless to say, it was interesting to come home and see what kind of toll it took on the model apartment. I should have taken pictures of the stairs as well but couldn’t be bothered to take them after a workday. Even today I hear little bits of ceiling hitting the floor while typing this… ooohh dios mio. Lol. Here is a site that I thought explained Earthquakes half decent. Apparently I show much more interest in things like this after experiencing them.
(This entire wall is in my roommates room and it was hit the worse. The whole house got pretty messed up, but I just took pictures of the obvious things that first caught my eye.)

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