
Modeling, Mexico, Jill Billingsley, Jill Scott,

Yada Yada Yada

Tuesday (20th) I completed my CableMas commercial in such good spirits. The premise was a bank robbery where 2 characters, myself (dressed in a 70’s inspired get-up) and Julian (an older gentleman with a bankers look), fall to the ground in a panic and start talking about a movie Julian recorded the other night and how I need to get CableMas. I was lucky enough to land another role with lines and the actual filming went on without a hitch.

I recited my lines in a frightened voice as best as I could, and after a few takes the director apparently ran out of his sectioned of area saying how great the scene was. He was estatic with the 30 sec preformance. It felt amazing to discover when pushed out of my comfort zone that I can thrive and still do well. The 20th did have a little bit of it’s up’s and down’s – I was feed an amazing lunch (when I am fed, I am a happy girl), but this was the day of the biggest Earthquake since 86. Which just added to my day… but seeing how there was damage done and a couple deaths that occured, it seems wrong to say the day was perfect. This was the official day when I did decide after lunch, I could no longer withstand the pain my stomach was causing after meals. I will also have you take notice from the photo, that my nails are horribly long and embarrassing. They are still recovering after having those fake nails torn off. :S ehhh.

In order to catch up to my current life, nearly a month later I will have to pull a Sienfield and ” yada yada yada”… After buying loads of stomach meds, I eventually went to the Dr. to discover a parasite. Ummm, Score! As it stands, my stomach is still not 100%. I foresee another appointment in the near future.

Not trying to live life in the protect layer of my comfort zone, I went for a weekend trip to some Pyramids close by. I got to see cactus fields while driving by on ATV’s, the worlds most unstable bridge, and do a low budget zip line with a group of friend. Now I never really thought I was clumsy, albeit, my family would often tell me so, but it was officially confirmed after this weekend. After ziplining, I tripped UPWARDS :S and smoked the side of my neck on a rock. Most people tend to put out there hands to break their fall, but not everyone has as well of a maintained neck as myself. Ha…  Yadda Yadda Yadda, a 2nd Earthquake hits during the day while I nursed a hangover from the weekend.

3rd Earthquake happens and I am home alone. 4th Earthquake hits the day following at 5am! These things are getting a little crazy.

Yadda Yadda Yadda… The model house loses a roommate, but gains 2 more girls (from Germany and Croatia). Casting calls go on, although, not nearly as often due to the religious holidays. Not just a weekend for Mexico, more like an entire week.


In relation to work, photo shoots appear to be providing me most of my work as-of-lately. I had a shoot for a company named Price Shoes, similar to what Payless shoes is to us — cataloge to come out end of next month.

A couple weeks ago I had a Glee-inspired set modeling active wear and jackets. Now this day made for a very humours story — the type where it’s so embarrassing it’s nearly funny. I debated sharing it, but in hopes of maintaining a femininely-appropriate je ne sais quoi about myself — I’m keeping this story strictly for those in close proximity to me.


During my free time I have been venturing out of the domicile and in a strange turn of events for this week got a taste of Mexico’s night life. I have been out with new girls as a sort of christening/ getting to know each other better, I have escorted a friend as a date to an event for a singer’s new line of shoes, and most recently out with the original gangster of them all – Ari, for a birthday celebration! I saw the most creative & extravagent shots, I meant to take pictures but the flames didn’t last long enough to be captured on film. :p …

And I think that covers about a month of randomness in Mexico. To those of you who keep telling me you like reading the blog I apoloigze for the lack of entries. I want to say I will try to get better at keeping up to date, but it’s hard to say what the next day will bring. In exciting new — MY CANADIAN COMMERCIAL is officially airing for the next month. Take a look!

Link to the commercial:

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