
Modeling, Mexico, Jill Billingsley, Jill Scott,

Archive for May, 2012

“An open enemy is better than a false friend”–Greek proverb

In a world where the rich and beautiful are given every opportunity while the poor remain struggling, the division between the two broadens a little more each day. Clubs give you a paved way, no line, no wait, free drinks, separate dance areas, DJ lessons — restaurants offer free meals in hopes of seeing the same pretty face return — plane tickets and hotel accommodations come up in exchange for a chance at your time. As grateful as I am for what comes my way, the injustice of it all is evidently clear to me. Such a bittersweet appreciation I have for the vanity of our generation, for without such a large importance placed on looks, I wouldn’t be here in Mexico traveling and modeling… On the other hand, when the time comes to have a child of my own, I’d hate it to feel the same pressures that I do or have a similar perception of what beauty is; big lips, large eyes, large bust, small torso, long frame, delicate hands, no existent ass… so much of which we have no control over. But I digress, since my last blog I have taken advantage of some of these perks and saw the likes of Acapulco, including visiting a club, a beach resort, a day in the sun filled with quading, what its like to have an ‘open bill’, and a scenic view of Mexico on the way home.

For work I was chosen to model in Redken’s first hair show to take place in Latin America. My demo gave others a chance to see my hair stylist ‘s work with highlighting and an eccentric hair style. It lasted about 4 days in total and after all was said and done, I lost 3-4 inches of hair. Not very impressed, but that’s how hair stylists are! You barter with them, they want to cut 1 inch off, you counter offer with 1/2 an inch and in the long run you somehow “compromise” without knowing it and 3 inches are taken off. Ehhh! I wasn’t paid enough! Lesson learned, do not do hair shows ever… mind you my color is pretty great.

The first day at Redken was a 16 hr day and the ever persistant parasites in my stomach acted up the whole time. (I affectionately named this sickness – “Pacos” ) After my days end, I got home at 2 am with a call time the next day at 7am, wouldn’t have been a problem either, if not for the inconsiderate actions of the roommate I do share quarriers with. This alone is a long story better off not told, but to make a long story short we can say that my charging of the phone interrupting her REM sleep, resulting in a weeks worth of ordeals talking to our agents and butting heads over he-said, she-said bullshit (and such grossly over exaggerated lies!) …. Now I find myself on great terms with my agency, as always, and issues are somewhat resolved, but actions not forgotten. The drama that goes on in this house is more entertaining than any show on tv about modeling. Everyday I encounter different personality types proving the world has all sorts of “characters” that at one point in time, I would never believed existed.

“In our daily life, we encounter people who are angry, deceitful, intent only on satisfying their own needs. There is so much anger, distrust, greed, and pettiness that we are losing our capacity to work well together.
Margaret J. Wheatley

“False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine but leaving us when we cross into the shade.”–Christian Bovee

After Redken, the following week went back to the usual, filled with castings mostly and a callback for a popular beer brand. 3 days ago the callback confirmed I was a hired model and yesterday I completed shooting my 6th commercial — COORS LITE! To the brands lovers, the bad news is, it will only air in Mexico, but it’s the first time Coors has ever made it’s own Latino version for a commercial here and apparently it’s the 2nd most popular brand of beer in the states. It’s premmis: A security guard at a football game is too busy flirting up a storm with 3 cute girls (moi!) and misses the crazy antics of naked women running across the field behind him… I still have yet to see how the drink factors in, but sounds like a funny commercial idea to me.

The shooting went from 8am – 8pm but it was a fast day, and probably the quickest shooting I ever took part in! The day went something along the lines of ate breakfast, made friends with the other models, slept, read a book, ate lunch, slept 2 more hours, had touchups on hair and makeup and then we were ready! I love having a trailer nearly all to ourselves, reminds me of old family reunions or camping and how much I loved being in someone else’s trailer since my family could never afford one.  Even while lying down staring at the campers ceiling I had a moment to take in just what exactly I was getting a chance to do. I say it all the time now but I am so happy to get to do this and think no one could be more appreciative than I am. On the days where personalities collide I have to remind myself of this because nothing is perfect, but this come close for me!

“To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.” – Ralph Emerson

What’s on the agenda next week? To be reunited with my long lost love! Eric’s plane is booked for the 30th – 7th and I will finally do more touristy related things. In lue to someones actions in the model apt, Eric and I will be sleeping apart… “THANKS Again ;)” – Note the sarcasm. But Eric will get a true globe trotters perspective residing in a hostel for 4 days before I transfer him to a hotel for the remainder of his trip. I can not wait to see  him again and rekindle our magic!

❤ Jill